candrew music

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Disney is not so squeaky clean anymore.

So I'm pretty sure people all over the web have seen or heard about the naked pictures of Vanessa Anne Hudgens and yes, she has confirmed them to be true. That was really her, but that was not the thing that shocked me the most (yes, i was initially shocked to hear and see Vanessa's "racy" pictures)- what shocked me was hearing Disney say that they back her up right after she apologized for the photos. I mean, yes, it was good that she apologized for ever taking them, but I was thinking that since Disney has a certain "family" image - that they would have initially let her go. Yes, it sucks for most of these Disney stars gain such a popularity with kids, but they also have to keep a "wholesome" image. And maybe that's why some of them feel the need to have a change in life or different direction - whether of professional or personal, these Disney starts don't often stay too long (i.e. Shia Labeouf, and Raven). They want to venture off and try something new, and for most, they've succeeded.

I have mentioned before (on a previous post) my concerns with Disney's initial decisions on making the Cheetah Girls an actual girl group because of its famed movie. and well, my doubts or objections were that two of the Cheetah Girls were from a sexually racy girl group (3LW). I was confused on the fact that given these two girls' previous "racy" background, Disney still allowed them to join the group. I'm not quite on board with that. It just seems too odd, for these girls were practically dancing like hoochies, then turn 180 and became "wholesome." That i don't get. Hoochies can't be wholesome, they're hoochies.

And now, with the whole "Vanessa Anne Hudgens scandal," i think Disney is starting out with another bad decision. I mean, i have nothing against Vanessa, what you do with you body is no ones business but when these things (leaking nude pictures to the media) happen, apologizing to the public seems not enough. What made it even more weird was Disney's decision to back her up after her public apology, and that they hope this recent lapse of judgment would teach her a valuable lesson...(hummm? wtf?) also, Disney added that she is still in the possible HSM 3 movie. All I'm thinking here is that Disney doesn't care if they showcase their very popular Disney-stars to children, given their past "questionable experiences." I strongly feel that Disney is not so squeaky clean anymore. Yes, these are just two questionable encounters by Disney, but i feel this type of image will continue to bleed through their whole "enterprise." I may be one person complaining about this whole nude scandal, but in reality, there are other concerned parents out who will drop everything just to protest or make complaints by the millions. I'm pretty sure if many parents found out about this, and I'm sure they have, they will do something about it.

I like Disney, despite having started this article as more of a concern for the public, they do have good quality family shows. And yes, they featured many talented stars on the channel as well. But when they makes decisions that seems way off their usual wholesome image, i start to worry about the actual direction Disney will make in later years.

this was just a thought.

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