candrew music

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I heart this year's Academy Awards/Oscars.

I know I'm probably several postings too late, but i felt like sharing today. The Academy Awards/Oscars aired about a week ago and there were plenty of highlights that I enjoyed, and most were of the 8 Oscars that Slumdog Millionaire won (yay!). I thought Hugh Jackman did a good job hosting, especially in the singing and dancing department (*kudos to the rest who joined him as well).

Here are two clips from the Oscars that I thought were quite funny and entertaining:

(1) I love Anne Hathaway in this; she was great! (*favorite line: "oh Nixon...")

(2)Once I saw Ben Stiller walk across the stage, I knew that he was going to be hilarious! and i'm glad he was. He did a great job as "Joaquin Phoenix."

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